Law Applicable to Liability for Damages due to Traffic Accidents Involving Autonomous Vehicles



The authors examine the problem of the law applicable to liability for damages due to traffic accidents involving autonomous vehicles. Existing conflict-of-laws regulation adopted in the Rome II Regulation and both Hague Conventions of 1971 and 1973 is criticized. Upon examination of these legal instruments, it becomes clear that existing regulation is very complex and complicated. In effect authors recommend revisions to the legal framework. Proposed solutions are balanced and take into consideration both the interests of the injured persons, as well the persons claimed to be liable. New approach allows for more individual consideration of specific cases and direct to better outcome of the disputes. The findings may be useful in handling the cases related to use of algorithms of artificial intelligence in private international law.

Algorithms of Artificial Intelligence; Autonomous Vehicles; Conflict-of-laws Rules; Private International Law; Road Accidents; The Conflict of Laws

p. 177–200
Author biographies

Marek Swierczynski

University of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski

Professor of Law at the Law and Administration Faculty

Łukasz Żarnowiec

University of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski

Professor Associate at the Law at the Law and Administration Faculty

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