Web-page Screenshots as an Evidence in Civil Procedure of Ukraine



Currently the question about the possibility of including a screenshot of a web-page to the base of evidence in civil procedure of Ukraine remains open. The problem is a lack of systematic rules for determining procedures for obtaining electronic evidence, in particular, screenshots, in Ukrainian legislation, as well as possibilities for their use while considering civil cases. Various electronic evidence should correspond various admissibility criterias, and therefore the admissibility of electronic evidence should be examined separately according to each type of evidence.

Separate issues of investigation, fixation and certification of web-screenshots as evidence in civil procedure of Ukraine are considered in this article. The analysis of legal regulation and problems of the practical implementation of use of web-pages screenshots in Ukrainian civil procedure are carried out. The ways of implementation of recommendation rules for registration and fixation of web-screenshots in civil procedure, which can be applied for all European states, are proposed.

Civil Procedure; Civil Procedure of Ukraine; Electronic Documents; Electronic Evidence; Means of Proof; Proving; Screenshots; Website

p. 87–114
Author biographies

Nelli Golubeva

National University "Odesa law academy"

Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Civil Procedure of the National University "Odesa law academy"

Kristina Drogoziuk

National University "Odesa law academy"

Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Civil Procedure of the National University "Odesa law academy"

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