Switching codes, affi rming identities: Writing in Texas Czech


This contribution focuses on English/Czech codeswitching (CS) in a collection of letters written by a third-generation Texas Czech to this author, a European Czech living in the US since the 1990s. Specifi cally, the article explores the writer’s CS vis-à-vis her selfperceived ethnolinguistic identity. While the quantitative analysis establishes English as the letter’s dominant language, CS itself, rather than English, is proposed to be this writer’s unmarked choice, refl ecting her dual ethnic membership and positive attitudes towards both codes. The qualitative analysis further shows that most switches to Czech serve identifi able pragmatic functions, such as letter openings/closings and a variety of parenthetical comments used for emphasis, humour, clarifi cation, elaboration, topic closings/move-on, and mitigation.

Texas Czech variety; written codeswitching; pragmatic functions; code markedness; ethnolinguistic identity

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