About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The journal invites contributions in the fields of:

  • discourse analysis
  • pragmatics
  • stylistics
  • sociolinguistics
  • applied linguistics
  • semantics
  • syntax

Peer Review Process

The journal has adopted ‘double-blind’ peer-reviewing procedures, which guarantees anonymity for both authors and reviewers. All manuscripts sent to Discourse and Interaction are first reviewed by the editors as to their suitability; then, they are sent to two reviewers who send back their comments with a recommendation to accept, suggest rewriting and resubmission, or reject.

All submitted manuscripts should be new, original and not published previously; it is the sole responsibility of the authors that their manuscripts shall not contain any plagiarized or improperly attributed materials.

The journal is indexed in SCOPUS, EBSCO, CEEOL and ERIH PLUS.

Publication in Discourse and Interaction is free of charge.

Peer-Reviewing Guidelines

We expect the referee’s report to comment on the content, logical argumentation, structural organisation and style of the article (please do not edit the text, though we would appreciate occasional remarks on the language level or misprints in the text), and to state whether the submission is suitable to be published in Discourse and Interaction. The report may be of different length depending on the recommendations suggested.

If you consider that the article needs corrections or extensive revision, please specify what is to be improved in greater detail.

Please indicate in the final paragraph whether the article is:

  1. publishable “as is”;
  2. publishable after minor corrections;
  3. publishable after extensive revision;
  4. not publishable.

Please note that the text of your report will be sent to the author. We prefer English as the language of the reports.

Discourse and Interaction