Jak po únorovém převratu roku 1948 skončila první zlatá léta československého hokeje


The study illustrates how the Czechoslovak totalitarian regime after February 1948 liquidated the leading players of the ice hockey team, which was the most popular collective sport in the post-war state. At this time, when the Czechoslovak borders were closed and the “Iron Curtain” was drawn between East and West, top athletes were of the few who had the opportunity to travel to the West several times a year. In the meantime, there was an increase in the number of athletes who did not return home to Czechoslovakia from sports events. State security carefully monitored both hockey players and other athletes at home and at international events, paying particular attention to contacts with emigrants and workers from the West. Thus “compromising” information was obtained, which became the basis for the upcoming hockey trial of “Ing. Bohumil Modrý et al.” in 1950. Hockey representatives led by the mentioned B. Modrý faced high prison sentences (five players received sentences ranging from 10 to 15 years; the rest received less), their representative careers were liquidated, family life suffered greatly and the power of the Czechoslovak hockey team was reduced.

Klíčová slova:
the February coup; process “Ing. Bohumil Modrý et al.”; Czechoslovakia; ice hockey team


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