Gender na poštovních známkáh: boj za volební právo žen a historická edukace

Sborník prací PdF MU, řada společenských věd

The text analyzes the frequency and relevance of the themes of postage stamps to the observed historical topic with regard to the didactic and methodological aspects of their application in the educational process. Like other visual media, postage stamps are also a historical source reflecting modern history. With activities connected with the analysis of the motifs of postage stamps, it is possible to approach and explain not only traditionally taught historical phenomena but also gender issues and its emancipation processes in a history lesson. The described procedure creates an effective alternative educational medium, which strengthens especially interdisciplinary cooperation – school history – civic education – media education. The annotated visual medium is not yet sufficiently processed in the Czech didactic literature, nor applied in teaching practice.

Klíčová slova:
history teaching; didactics of history; postage stamps; gender issues; medial education




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