Italský příspěvek k dějinám evropského liberalismu. Karbonáři a Mladá Itálie v kontextu liberálního hnutí do roku 1848

Sborník prací PdF MU, řada společenských věd

The author puts the Italian national revival of the early 19th century, known under the term Risorgimento, in the context of European liberalism. The first phase of this movement still has a predominantly local national character. It is represented by a secret society of carbonists. After its failure at the end of the 1920s, the second phase of the Risorgiment, consistently Republican, began, with his supporters seeking connections with similar liberal and radical groups abroad. The ideologue of this second phase of the movement, Giuseppe Mazzini, establishes the secret republican organization Young Italy, which, after 1834, creates a wide conspiracy network called Young Europe. This includes not only Italians, but also Poles, Germans, French, Irish and gradually also some representatives of other nations. Their activities are became radical and culminate in the Revolution of 1848.

Klíčová slova:
Risorgimento; liberalism; carbonists; Young Italy; Young Europe..




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