Svátost manželství v legátských statutech Filipa z Fermo z roku 1279

Sborník prací PdF MU, řada společenských věd

The legatine statutes promulgated by the papal legate Philip of Fermo at his synod in Buda in 1279 were very important for the development of the ecclesiastical particular law in Poland and Hungary in implementation of the rules and norms for the Church and the Christianization. The sacraments received a large space in the statutes and the author of the article concentrates on the sacrament of matrimony. The statutes of Legate Philip of Fermo contain a series of small articles dedicated to the matrimony. They emphasise the necessity of proper marriage in the church. Observation of this order was to be ensured by regular lecturing of the parishioners. Secret marriages were forbidden. The statutes include information on the notifications and the necessity to search for potential obstacles (impedimenta) that prevent entering into the legittime marriage. The parson was obliged to report doubts concerning the marriage to the bishop. Judges who dealt with the matrimonial cases were required to be instructed in the canon law or at least be experienced in the particular cases.

Klíčová slova:
matrimonial law; legatine statutes; Poland; Hungary; Buda; Middle Ages




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