Unus ex mille electus (hledání Žižkovy duše)

Sborník prací PdF MU, řada společenských věd

This article pays attention to the attributes that contemporaries attributed to Žižka. They considered him special, that is, exceptional and unique, apparently abounding in charism, through which he was able to fascinate the crowd and motivate his followers. Lawrence of Březová and his old Czech translator also highlight Žižka’s zeal with which he promoted the Hussite understanding of God’s law. This characteristic refers to the Bible, whether in the Old Testament, deuterocannonic or New Testament texts, and it basically confirms the legitimacy of Žižka’s leadership and loyalty to the principles he professed. For Žižka, the Eucharist received under both ways, the belief in Christ’s bodily presence in the sacrament of the altar and the following of God’s Word were the supreme command and the guarantee of the correctness of his path to salvation. However, a zealous person is usually energetic, lively and sensitive, which in turn confirms the findings of previous research. It was emotion in combination with a sense of justice that made the governor in the eyes of his warriors “brother Žižka”. Even the Hussite critics admitted that he was a true divine warrior. According to them, there were few such people, at most one in a thousand.

Klíčová slova:
Jan Žižka; attribute; emotivity




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