Burlakův útěk z vězení a případ podplukovníka Michala Lukáče

Sborník prací PdF MU, řada společenských věd

This work focuses on the fate of Lieutenant Colonel Michal Lukáč, who was accused of cooperating with Bandera groups after jailbreak of commander Ukrainian insurgent Army (UPA) Burlak from the prison in Košice on 12th February, 1948, where Lukáč was commander of the local Czechoslovak army battalion. In the atmosphere of political processes with representatives of the army and democratic political parties it was only a tiny episode, yet it is well documented by the politicization of the theme of the crossing Bandera troops through the territory of Czechoslovakia and the general context of the 50s. The guilt of Lieutenant Colonel Lukáč was not proven, even though he was thrown out of the army.

Klíčová slova:
political processes; communism; the Czechoslovak army; Organization of Ukrainian Nacionalists (OUN); Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA); Burlak




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