Výuka moravských zemských dějin na gymnáziu Akademia v Brně

Sborník prací PdF MU, řada společenských věd

The article deals with both the sense and the form of teaching of Moravian history at secondary schools, namely the AKADEMIA Grammar School in Brno. It demonstrates that some inertia and anachronisms in the form of teaching of the Czech national history can be supplemented or replaced by the teaching of Moravian (or Bohemian or Silesian) land history to which pupils and students are closer and pedagogical work is irreplaceable in this type of education. The ESF project “We teach about Moravia”, especially the textbook “Moravia – the history of the land in the middle of Europe”, helps with this way of teaching. The text concludes the call of the academic community for the teaching of Moravian land history to be strengthened in the context of vocational training, especially at faculties of pedagogy.

Klíčová slova:
Moravian land history; Moravia; Moravistics (Moravian studies); Gymnázium AKADEMIA Brno (Grammar school); Historiography; Textbooks of history; Didactics of history; European Social Fund project “We teach about Moravia”; Framework Educational Programme for Secondary General Education




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