Listinný materiál ke vztahu Jana Železného a města Litomyšle

Sborník prací PdF MU, řada společenských věd

The article deals with Jan Železný, who in the end of the 14th century, but especially in the first quarter of the next century, significantly contributed to Czech and European history. A considerable part of his life was connected with the town of Litomyšl, where he served as a bishop in the years 1388–1418 and participated in the development of the Litomyšl bishopric, but also the city itself. The intention of the article is to contribute to the theme of the connection between the person of Jan and the town of Litomyšl on the basis of the preserved Latin documentary material. Primarily we will introduce the charters from the archive fund “Archiv města Litomyšl” (Archive of the town Litomyšl), inventory numbers 28, 31, 33 and 34. This fund is deposited in the Státní okresní archiv Svitavy. The first three charters was issued by bishop Jan IV. Železný. The charter with the inventory number 34 includes two charters by bishop Jan, too. There are five charters stylized in Latin language from the years 1402–1413 in the archive. The article presents these charters from the perspective of the auxiliary historical sciences, especially analyzes them in term of diplomatics, sphragistics and palaeography. Particular attention is also paid to the contents of these archival documents and to the person of bishop Jan. The article also reflects the documents already published in the edition of Regesta Bohemiae et Moraviae aetatis Venceslai IV, which could contribute to the theme of Jan Železný and Litomyšl.

Klíčová slova:
Charters; Town of Litomyšl; 15th century; bishop Jan; Jan IV. Železný




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