Reminiscence na bývalou domovinu u odsunutých Němců z Krnovska po roce 1945

Sborník prací PdF MU, řada společenských věd

The main point of this article is to map view of the Sudeten Germans from the Krnov district on situation in Czechoslovakia after their displacement. The basic source of research are newspapers Jägerndorfer Heimatbrief, which are the Sudeten German’s and stored in the whole range at the Collegium Carolinum in Munich. Krnov district markedly changed when Germans left. Just those views of the Sudeten Germans on the situation in their former homeland are appearing in some articles of newspaper the Jägerndorfer Heimatbrief, published by an expatriate organization of the Germans from Krnov district in the Grettstadt über Schweinfurt in Bavaria since the late 1940s. The main theme was memories of involuntary displacement, which the Sudeten Germans unambiguously condemned. The unusual feature of the newspapers was relatively high unbiased rate which shows mostly in relation to the biggest issue displacement. The articles were really nonconfrontational, which is very unusual in this type of prints. Interest was also directed to the situation in the Krnov region and to the living and economic level of the population of Czechoslovakia.

Klíčová slova:
Krnov; Sudeten Germans after 1945; expulsion; Sudeten German press; CzechGerman relations; political situation in Czechoslovakia; Silesia




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