Zapomenutá mise mjr. Karla Vosátky. Příspěvek k fungování československého zpravodajství před 2. světovou válkou

Sborník prací PdF MU, řada společenských věd

The work focuses on one of the less known chapters of Czechoslovak military inteligence gathering in the period before the WWII. Based on private and official reports, it introduces the almost forgotten inteligence mission of major Karel Vosátka, which took place in Austria in time of annexation and Munich crisis of 1938. Vosátka was directed by his superiors to observe the deployment areas of German army in Austria and to try to predict, which forces from this area will be used for assault at Czechoslovakia. However, the Gestapo noticed his activities and he was taken to custody for his inteligence activities.

Klíčová slova:
annexation of Austria; occupation; intelligence; nazi Germany; Munich crisis




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