Bedřich ze Střážnice a spojené východočeské lanfrýdy 1440–1453

Sborník prací PdF MU, řada společenských věd

This paper focuses on the position and activities of the former Taborite hetman Bedřich of Strážnice within the alliance of Landpeace organisations. Bedřich became a member of the hetman council of the Kouřim Landpeace and wanted to use this position to assure a peaceful base for his Kolín dominions and to benefit from an alliance with the towns of the Taborite Union. He lost, however, in both respects and gradually fell into ever greater isolation in the Landfriedes. In 1448, he found himself in open warfare with George of Poděbrady and, in spite of partial military successes, proved unable to hold his own in the conflict for economic reasons.

Klíčová slova:
the Late Middle Ages; utraquism; Kolín; Landpeace




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