Mírová soupeření studené války v reflexi poštovní známky: od historického pramene k mediální výchově

Sborník prací PdF MU, řada společenských věd

The text analyzes the didactic and methodological aspects of the use of postal stamps in educational process. Stamps, like other visual media, are also a historical source reflecting especially modern, in this case, the world history. The text presents the characteristics and specifics of postage stamps as a source of information about the historical facts. Based on an the analysis of postage stamps themes from the period of the Cold War, this contribution recommends to explain not only historical phenomena, but also the mechanisms of propaganda and antipropaganda in history teaching. The described procedure creates an effective alternative educational media that strengthens especially the interdisciplinary cooperation of school history – media education.

Klíčová slova:
History Teaching; Didactics of History; Postage Stamps; Cold War; Propaganda; Medial Education




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