Ukrainski piemont na Rusi (Ukrainie) karpackiej w dobie autonomicznej

Sborník prací PdF MU, řada společenských věd

Subcarpathian Ruthenia in the time crisis and disintegration Republic didn’t play main role. It was even one of the weaked elements of Czechoslovakia. Political and ethnic conflicts in this area have given new Arguments and Propaganda for III Reich and Hungary. The troubled to this moment Russo and Ukrainophiles camps for a moment connected themselves for effective Pressure to Introduce of Autonomy. This fact was successfully in the beginning of October 1938. After few weeks came on the final Confrontation two orientations. Ukrainophiles have helped to unmask first Prime Minister Autonomy Government – A. Brody as Hungarian spy. His function has taken over leader of antagonist, A. Wołoszyn. At this moment the Ukrainisation Phenomenon small country yielded the Speed. Ukrainians have tried irreversible facts and to built base the State – Ukrainian’s Piemont. It awaked the anxiety Poland and Hungary. Both countries wanted to destabilize the Autonomy State. Hungary has cached earlier part of Ruthenia – after First Vienna arbitrage. Ukrainian naïve trusted in the III Reich protection. Hitler decided finally for annexing Subcarpathian Ruthenia by Hungary in March 1939. In spite of declaration of Independence, Hungarian troops have occupatied all Ruthenia territory.

Klíčová slova:
Subcarpathian Ruthenia; Autonomy; October 1938; Annexing by Hungary in March 1939




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