Výběrová bibliografie prací k dějinám brněnského městského práva a správy do roku 1620 II.část

Sborník prací PdF MU, řada společenských věd

The second part of the selective bibliography on the history of the Brno municipal law and governance reflects the work on constitutional, judicial and administrative history of the city. The subject of the bibliography is the seventh (final) chapter thus mapping the law and administrative history of the Brno city from the beginning to the 1620. The relevant chapter is divided into several sections focused on particular issues of history of law and public administration in Brno during that period. Individual chapters recorded works on the administrative history associated with the founding of the city of Brno, its emblem and seal; the Brno municipal office in her acting scribe and notary, with special emphasis on the diplomatic center of production; the history of the municipal court and the judiciary in medieval and early modern Brno; financial management and city management with an emphasis on currency; on issues related to land use planning and building development of the city, including the toponymy and topography; social structure of the city; on laws regulating the operation of trades and professions; and last but not least, on learning opportunities, supply and emergency situations.

Klíčová slova:
Bibliography; Municipal Law; Middle Age; Brno; Medieval Law; Roman Law




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