Podíl českých odborů na rozvoji sociálně politických aktivit v počátečním období Československé republiky (1918–1923)

Sborník prací PdF MU, řada společenských věd

The main activities of trade union headquartes in the new Czechoslovak state became enforcement of partial requirements, mainly in the field of social legislation and in the field of wages and employment, thus significantly social orientation. During the First Republic, the trade union centrals became a partner of employers and state authorities in discussions in social policy. The contribution approximates the share of trade unions (of different orientation) in the establishment of the foundations of a new social policy of the state, leasing to cooperation of state and voluntary social care, which was reflected in the growing employees confidence in trade unions, expressed in an increase in membership.

Klíčová slova:
Trade Unions; Social Policy; Welfare State; Social Legislation; Social Care




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