Politické perzekuce Čechů na Ukrajině v době sovětského režimu

Sborník prací PdF MU, řada společenských věd

The first political repressions, which were often related to revolution and civil war, can be detected with difficulties nowadays. The first trials with Czech old residents took place in the half of the 20’s and a number of repressions increased greatly in the following period of a forcible collectivization. Many of Czech farmers were branded as “kulaks” and after the confiscation of property, they were with their families displaced to remote areas of the Soviet Union. As “the class enemies”, also the Czech entrepreneurs, merchants and craftsmen as well as members of intelligence, especially teachers were subjected to repressions. Tightening of political repressions in the period of the Great Terror in 1937–1938 meant also a sharp increase of executions carried out usually only on the grounds of decisions of boards of security bodies, sometimes in cooperation with prosecution office. But also verdicts of military collegia of court bodies proceeded from false accusations at that time. The number of victims of this “political justice” was extraordinarily high even among residents from Czechoslovakia, since the “foreign” national origin was a reason for repression still more often. The majority of 661 namely discovered Czech people, Czechoslovak citizens and inhabitants of Czech lands, shot dead in Ukraine in the period 1919–1941 lost their lives just at the end of the 30’s.

Klíčová slova:
Ukraine; the Soviet regime period; political repressions; the Czech people




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