Status kandydatów na nauczycieli oraz nauczycieli pochodzenia zydowskiego na terenach III Rzeszy w latach 1933–1939

Sborník prací PdF MU, řada společenských věd

The taking of power by Nazis in Germany in 1933 had a decisive influence on creating a new vision of educational institutions on each level of education, including institutions that prepared teachers for the profession. The broadly understood “school”, as an institution dealing with educational and upbringing processes, in the years 1933–1939 became elementary and irreplaceable tool in the implementation of a model of a new citizen and his world view, which had been precisely defined by education theoreticians. Activities were undertaken in three stages: Machtsiecherung (gaining power), Kriegsvorbereitung (preparing for war) and Machtergreifung (reinforcing power). At each stage steps taken towards populations referred to as Aryan or nonAryan, including the one that constituted particular links of the educational system – pupils, students and teachers, were defined or redefined. The concept of a totalitarian school was based on the principles of elitism and racial purity. It implemented “Judenpolitik” extremely precisely, a policy aimed at systematic exclusion and isolation of the Jewish population, also with regard to the broadly defined notion of “school”, understood on the one hand as a reduction and, finally, liquidation of religious institutions, and, on the other hand, gradual, though systematic, removal of Jewish origin teachers and candidates for this profession as an active labour force.

Klíčová slova:
Jewish school system; exclusion of Jewish population




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