Slovenskí agrárnici a ludáci. Pohladna vzájomné vzťahy v rokoch 1935–1938

Sborník prací PdF MU, řada společenských věd

The study deals with mutual relations of the two most significant political parties in Slovakia in the period of 1935–1938 following the press, primary and secondary sources. The study presents efforts to cooperate via support of the People’s Party to enter the government in the background of the crisis of the peace system, growing tensions in international relations and a deepening of national issues related to the elections in 1935. The course of negotiations defines mutual relations of the last years of the first Czechoslovak Republic. The political attitudes of both parties are obvious even during presidential elections of E. Beneš. The special lines are dedicated to the relations during the 20th anniversary of the republic and they indicate changes in the position of the both parties which led to their merger after October 6, 1938.

Klíčová slova:
The Slovak People’s Party; the Agrarian Party in Slovakia; relationships 1935; 1938




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