Pomiedzy konfrontacja a poprawnoscia w relacjach polsko-czechoslowackich "Usychajaca" przyjazn czechoslowacko-ukrainska: lata 1921–1931 I

Sborník prací PdF MU, řada společenských věd

Bolshevik victory in the Civil war in Russia and confirmation of the Eastern Polish borders by the Entente Powers resulted in the flood of émigrés from the former Russian Empire and Galicia. The “Russian Action“ („Ruská akce“) became the key to the solution of the social problem of émigrés. In Czechoslovakia there existed a lot of Russian and Ukrainian scientific and cultural institutions. The government of Czechoslovakia closed the camps for Ukrainian soldiers, which reduced tension with Poland. It was successfully completed during the negotiations with Poland on the subject of political treaty. Despite the fact that the treaty was not ratified,the atmosphere in relations was better. The proof of an constructive approach towards the Ukrainian issue wasthe fact, that Czechoslovakia in the secret appendix agreed with the Polish authority over Eastern Galicia.

Klíčová slova:
Poland; Czechoslovakia; 1921; 1931




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