Příspěvek k reemigraci a repatriaci krajanů po velké válce

Sborník prací PdF MU, řada společenských věd

This paper which deals with the re-emigration and repatriation of Czechs and Slovaks, draws on the studies published in this journal in the numbers 26/2012/1 and 27/2013/2. Re-emigration was to allow the return of expatriates who left the country for economic reasons in the decades before the World War I. The repatriation enabled the return of those people who left their homes because of the War – such as soldiers, prisoners and internees. Collection, transit, maintenance and quarantine stations were established to ensure a successful progress of re-emigration andrepatriation. The largest number of returnees was expected from Russia, where – in addition to legionnaires (about 60 thousand) – there were 40 to 50 thousand prisoners from the former Austro-Hungarian Army.

Klíčová slova:
After WWI; Czechs and Slovaks on Abroad; Re-emigration; Repatriation




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