Czas konfrontacji: lata 1918-1921 trudne narodziny panstw i konfliktu

Sborník prací PdF MU, řada společenských věd

The first Czech-Ukrainian contacts began at the time Spring of Nation, but Ukrainian question in the serious has existed at the Independence of Czechoslovakia in 1918. The discreet support Ukrainian aspirations by Czechoslovakia during war in the Eastern Galicia were the trump in political playground with Poland (main problem was Tesin question). In the Prague was established unofficial Mission of the West Ukrainian People’s Republic – Eastern Galicia Ukrainian state. Head of this was R. Smal-Stockij. Cold Attitude was to the Ukrainian People’s Republic (UPR) with S. Petljura as a leader. Unofficial representative of UPR, M. Slawinski, was ignored by Czechoslovak Government. Former Russian Ukraine was interesting for Czechs like market place only. Warsaw was very disappointed not only in the Prague connection with Ukrainian’s in Eastern Galicia but even more in ambiguous Attitude during Polish-Bolshevik War. Czechoslovakia didn’t want accept the polish Power under in Galicia. Ryga treaty between Poland and Soviet regime didn’t awake enthusiasm in Prague also. East part of Poland in the Czech eyes needed to be joined with democratic and federal Russia. In the Prague view point possessing Subcarpathian Rus (unexpected purchase) was of primary strategic importance. It was a precious link with the allied Romania’s territory, the partner in the called Little Entente. Majority of Rus population were the autochthons, close to Ukrainians. Prague didn’t realize promised Autonomy what became the cause demission first governor – H. Žatkovič. It established political conflict in this region

Klíčová slova:
Czech-Ukrainian contacts; Eastern Galicia; autonomy




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