Predstavy a realita - skúsenosti s digitalizáciou dejepisného učiva a dejepisnej výčby v slovenskej reblike

Sborník prací PdF MU, řada společenských věd

Questions concerning the possibilities of teaching history by audiovisual digital means follow the already developed practice of the preparation of digital teaching aids for natural-science subjects. Visualisation of the perception of reality, including historical reality, is an indisputable fact; both visual representation of reality and audiovisual media have become “lingua franca” of the present. However, such situation points out also another fact. The success of history within the society is not in accord with the confidence of the possibilities of history as science among historians themselves. The demand of media has created a “history industry”; the world of experts is disillusioned by the barriers of history as science. In the Slovak conditions, apart from many practical technical problems, the application and use of medial forms, means and digital techniques and methods of history teaching is facing also the problems indicating lack of quite precisely or specifically formulated objectives, goals and methods of history education as a whole. It is confronted also with the residual traditional interpretative and reproducing methods of history teaching. In spite of that, there exist more serious attempts to digitalize history curriculum in Slovakia. The project of the National Institute for Education of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic failed because of unclarity of the main objectives of digitalisation. During its existence, however, the history expert team discussed many of important questions regarding the possibilities and objectives of history curriculum. However, the question of diversities between the methodology of digital display of history curriculum and natural-science subjects has not been clearly answered yet.

Klíčová slova:
history teaching; Slovak conditions; digital mediation; multimedia project for Central European history teaching




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