"Sprawy Czechoslowackie" w dzialalnosci edukacyjnej Instytutu Slaskiego po II wojnie swiatowej

Sborník prací PdF MU, řada společenských věd

After the World War II Silesian Institute in Katowice developed an interest in Czechoslovakian issues. A Czechoslovakian Department was created at the Silesian Institute in June 1947. The Department dealt with Czechoslovakian issues and the academic cooperation. As part of the educational activity it published books, academic related announcements and organised Czechoslovakian Evenings. The programme of the Czechoslovakian Department concentrated on a reading action of an educational character. An example of such an action were the Czechoslovakian Evenings which were open lectures attended by all the people interested with Czechoslovakian issues. The meetings took place every month from October 1947 to May 1948. In June 1948 The Silesian Institute ceased its activity in Czechoslovakian issues.

Klíčová slova:
Czechoslovakian matters; Silesian Institute; cultural and educational relationships between Poland and Czechoslovakia; Czechoslovakian Department of the Silesian Institute; Academic Announcements; Czechoslovakian Evenings




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