K působení viceguvernéra podkarpatské rusi Jaroslava Mezníka v letech 1937-1938

Sborník prací PdF MU, řada společenských věd

The new head of the Land Office of Uzhhorod, the deputy governor of Carpathian Ruthenia Jaroslav Mezník, who assumed his office on January 9, 1937, was received with gratification because he was not connected with any political party. This was because his predecessor, provincial president Antonín Rozsypal – as an Agrarian Party member – preferred activities of this government party. An act on provisional regulation of the position of Carpathian Ruthenia’s governor, which came into effect on October 8, 1937, implemented the first stage for setting forth the autonomy of this country in the Constitution. The then provincial vice-president Jaroslav Mezník became as of this date the deputy governor. He remained in this function until the establishment of an autonomous government in October 1938.

Klíčová slova:
History; Czechoslovak Republic; Subcarpatian Russia; Jaroslav Mezník




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