K plzeňským kořenům historika a politika Kamila Krofty

Sborník prací PdF MU, řada společenských věd

This paper is devoted to several bonds of Kamil Krofta and his native Pilsen region. It is the result of initial research for next study on this topic. The first link is the personality of Krofta’s father Joseph. Although derived from simple ratios, he was one of the most outstanding personalities in the second half of the twentieth century influenced Pilsen and its political and socio-cultural events. As a longtime member of the Czech Provincial Assembly and the Imperial Council was Krofta senior to politicians who prepared the climate for future independence of the nation. Father’s patriotic and political education we can recognize at Krofta’s attitudes throughout his active life. Another part of the paper is devoted to two sites in Pilsen, which formed an integral part of his life and combining it with the native land even when it was the obligation of high diplomacy diverted away. Family summer house Richardov and his wife’s mill in Ejpovice, where he remained under occupation are places stored deep in Krofta’s soul.

Klíčová slova:
Kamil Krofta; Czech historiography; Goll school; Pilsen region; Czechoslovak foreign policy; Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia




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