K reemigraci a repatriaci čechů a slováků ze Spojených států a Ruska po velké válce?

Sborník prací PdF MU, řada společenských věd

Creation of independent Czechoslovakia in 1918 represented a dilemma for foreign Czechs and Slovaks – to return to the old homeland or to remain abroad. After the First World War rose among the foreign expatriates, not only in Central, East and Southeastern Europe, but also in the USA, mood for re-emigration. In parallel was carried out the repatriation of persons who during the war found themselves outside the Czech Lands and Slovakia, especially the prisoners of the former Austro-Hungarian army and members of the Czechoslovak Legion. The most interested in re-emigration were countrymen in Germany and Austria, which were, as the defeated states, in bad economic situation. Similar situation occurred in Russia, where after the Bolshevik coup in November 1917 civil war broke out.

Klíčová slova:
After Great War; Czechs and Slovaks Abroad; re-emigration; repatriation




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