Obraz života poddaného na kysuciach v zrkadle záznamov mobilného súdneho orgánu forum vicecomitis v druhej polovici 18. storočia

Sborník prací PdF MU, řada společenských věd

Kysuce are the region, which in the past has passed a complex evolution. It was not always consistent ensemble, which is perceived today. The study provides information about the situation in Kysuce in the 18th century, the territorial division of their property in several feudal dominions, but also on the overall development of economic and social conditions during the 18th century. Shows significant changes that have brought to people life in Kysuce enlightened reforms of Maria Theresa and her son Joseph II. On the basis preserved archival documents from the judicial records mobile judicial authority called the Forum vicecomitis which have been preserved mostly in archival funds of manors, brings a perspective in terms of interpersonal relations in everyday life of the then population of Kysuce. Through the several examples presents of ordinary judicial matters which the lowest tier of judiciary has dealt with. Apart from partial approach judicial authority institution Forum vicecomitis are offered through its study cited texts and compact excursion into the history of everyday life in Kysuce in the 18th century.

Klíčová slova:
Kysuce; Forum vicecomitis; 18th century; feudal estates; tribunal; Joseph II; Maria Theresa; serfdom; Wallachians




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