Galicja, federalizm, czesi dzialalnosc kazimierza grocholskiego jako pierwszego ministra dla galicji (kwiecien-listopad 1871)

Sborník prací PdF MU, řada společenských věd

Kazimierz Grocholski was one of the most prominent Polish politicians of the second half of the 19th century. However, there is no comprehensive biography of him as yet. Meanwhile Grocholski played an important role not only in the politics of Galicia, but also in entire Habsburg Monarchy. He was an active member of the Austrian parliament, being the leader of the Polish circle, and also one of the ministers in the Austrian federalist government of Karl Hohenwart. Grocholski was the first minister for Galicia and he deeply influenced the shape of this peculiar institution. As the opponent of the centralism he was a keen supporter of the Czech aspiration to autonomy.

Klíčová slova:
Minister for Galicia; Austria-Hungary; Galician autonomy; federalism; Kazimierz Grocholski; Bohemia; Cisleithania




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