Mozliwosci wykorzystania zasobów internetu w szkolnej edukacji historycznej

Sborník prací PdF MU, řada společenských věd

Teachers wishing to introduce Internet sources into a history teaching program have to arrange the educational process in which the pupils are using the Internet as a source of historical information. Knowledge gained from Internet sources may not only complement and extend information provided in textbooks, but in addition properly selected information may replace that published in textbooks. Teachers can foster pupils’ interest by seeking Internet source content about new and interesting aspects of historical knowledge. Internet sources give the teacher many educational opportunities to use interactive teaching methods. They also enable teachers to improve the teaching process by expanding on the base of didactic resources. This approach to history education in schools is worth recommending to teachers looking for supplementary sources of information as it can be introduced in any school. In this respect using Internet source content in school history education seems to be a natural and fundamental value in modern schools.

Klíčová slova:
school; history education; Internet




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