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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • the paper in version MS Word (doc, docx)
  • the paper is written in the required template
  • pictures, graphs, maps and photographs are attached separately
  • the paper includes JEL classification
  • the reference list and citation are in APA style

Author Guidelines

Scientific articles includes research papers and review papers. The research paper presents the origin research findings that have not been published yet in the same or similar extant in other scientific/research (periodical) publication. Besides this, the findings must be the work of the author or the team, in which the author was a member. The review paper is based on the
high-quality literature research. The paper summarizes scientific knowledge of the researched issue up to now and presents the original thoughts and approaches that brink new perspective on the researched issue. The scientific article is not an abstract or conclusion (summary), a note paper, an editorial material or revision. The topic of the paper must be in accordance
with the journal specialization. The article that does not fulfil the stated instructions and/or the journal specialization is not accepted.

Papers are published in English language and are accepted only in electronic version MS Word (doc, docx). Papers are submitted through e-mail (see Editorial office contact). The extant of the scientific article is 3500–5000 words. The note papers in the section Notes have maximum 3000 words. The information contribution is 1200-word long. The reference list is written in alphabetic order, starting with the author’s surname with accordance to APA. It is highly recommended to use the electronic templates that are posted on the journal website http://www.czechjournaloftourism.cz/page/en/27/authors/. Articles and contributions without the obligatory layout will be automatically sent back for rewriting. All scientific articles (original research papers and review papers) are double-blind peer-reviewed. Authors are informed about the editorial board’s decision. Submitting the article, the authors agree with its publication in the journal and also declare that the article is an original paper and they have the copyright to it. Articles are not remunerated. Each author is entitled to one printed copy of the journal.

Privacy Statement

Submitting the article, the authors agree with its publication in the journal and also declare that the article is an original paper and they have the copyright to it.  Articles are not remunerated. Each author is entitled to one printed copy of the journal.