Variability of solar UV radiation in the northern mountains of the Czech Republic, 2020–2021



Solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation has a crucial role in many atmospheric processes and     a huge impact on living organisms. Its main positive effect is the synthesis of vitamin D, but it also causes problems such as sunburn, skin cancer or eye cataracts. In the mountains, high doses of UV frequently occur due to a specific combination of atmospheric and geographical factors such as a high ground reflection as a consequence of a large number of days with snow cover, or a lower concentration of atmospheric pollutants in comparison to lowland urban regions. This study used measurements of erythemal UV radiation from two high altitude areas: the Hrubý Jeseník Mountains (Vysoká hole meteorological station, 1 464 m a.s.l.) and the Giant Mountains (Luční bouda meteorological station, 1 413 m a.s.l.) in the Czech Republic, during 2020 and 2021. We evaluated the daily and monthly changes in erythemal dose and UV index. The maximum daily dose of 5.0 kJ.m-2 (8.9 of UV index) was measured on 28 June 2020 at Vysoká hole. The maximal UV index of 10.1 was observed at Luční bouda on 5 July 2020, while the maximum daily dose of 4.9 kJ.m-2 occurred on 14 June 2021. The main factors that caused changes in solar UV radiation were the amount of cloud cover as well as the total ozone column.

erythemal dose; UV index; ozone; cloud cover; Hrubý Jeseník; Giant Mountains

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