Cloudiness and weather variation in central Svalbard in July 2013 as related to atmospheric circulation


The paper describes synoptic situations and associated weather conditions in the central part of the Svalbard Arctic archipelago (Petuniabukta, Billefjorden) during two weeks of the summer 2013. The circulation types in July 2013 were compared with the long-term average circulation pattern in the period 1961–2010. Cloudiness and weather conditions in different atmospheric circulation types were described. Atmospheric pressure, 2-m air temperature, precipitation, 6-m wind speed and wind direction data from an automatic weather station located on the coastal glacier-free zone of Petuniabukta were used for further analysis. From July 5 to 19, 2013, radiation and advection weather types, heavy precipitation, rapid change of wind speed, 2-m air temperature and high cloudiness variation were described in detail within of the five most frequent synoptic situations. Foehn and halo phenomena were also reported in the study period.

atmospheric circulation; climate; cloudiness; weather; Svalbard; Arctic

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