Comparative analysis of Russian and Norwegian precipitation gauges, measurements in Barentsburg, Western Spitsbergen



Comparative analysis of records of two gauges with different wind shields (Tretyakov gauge and Geonor T200-B) were done, based on time series of parallel measurement in Barentsburg settlement, Svalbard, during two winter times in period from September 2014 to July 2016. All collected data of solid precipitation were divided into two ranges with different wind speed conditions. As it was known from earlier papers, Tretyakov gauge measurements tend to underestimate solid precipitation in case when precipitation is not intensive and wind speed is less than 5 m s-1. Opposite results were obtained for blizzard conditions (wind speed is more than 6 m s-1): Tretyakov gauge shows greater values for amount of solid precipitation than Norwegian sensor. Preliminary results in Barentsburg cannot be described as conclusive ones. Estimation of solid precipitation on Spitsbergen measured by different gauges needs further and more detailed research, which includes fieldwork in Barentsburg in spring, such as detailed snow surveys in the settlement.

Arctic; solid precipitation; Svalbard; bias-correction method

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