Heavy metal concentration in selected soils and sediments of Livingston Island, Deception Island, King George Island, James Ross Island (Antarctica)



This paper evaluated the heavy metal concentration in fine earth and skeleton fraction of the Antarctic soil and sediments in the Admiralty Bay (King George Island); Livingston Island; Whaler´s Bay (Deception Island); James Ross Island and the Trinity peninsula (Antarctica). Total concentrations of eight elements (arsenic, chromium, copper, nickel, lead, strontium, vanadium, and zinc) were determined in sixteen sediments/soils samples and skeleton fraction. For the analyses, eight samples were taken from James Ross Island, four samples from Deception Island, two samples from Trinity peninsula, one sample from Livingston Island, and one sample from King George Island. The contents the elements were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Most affected by human activity was the sample collected near permanent station General Bernardo O'Higgins Riquelme - Chile on Trinity peninsula. On this site, the highest concentration of copper in fine-earth (201 ppm), zinc in skeleton (163 ppm) and fine-earth (771 ppm) and strontium in skeleton (733 ppm) and fine-earth (1297 ppm) were found. This location was also exceptional by the residues of penguins’ eggs shells and excrements. Samples of skeleton had significantly higher maximum values of analyzed elements compare to the available literature data. Results from all sampled localities are summarized in the text.

heavy metal concentration of soils in Antarctica; James Ross Island; Deception Island; Livingston Island; King George Island; ICP-MS; fine-earth; soil skeleton; arsenic; chromium; copper; nickel; lead; strontium; vanadium; zinc

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