Vertical electrical sounding of soils and permafrost of marine terraces of Gronfjord (Svalbard archipelago)



Vertical electrical resistivity sounding (VERS) of soil-permafrost strata has been performed during the field work within the sea terraces of Gronfjord (Svalbard archipelago, West Spitsbergen island). Vertical electrical resistivity sounding of soil-permafrost strata was performed by portable device LandMapper. Then these data have been analyzed via ZondIP software (1d model). Apparent electrical resistivity values on the soil-permafrost strata usually change rapidly. It was established that studied soils with different origin and morphological properties are referred to 2 trunks, 2 orders, 4 types and 7 subtypes. Histic Gleysols, Cryosols, Gleysols and their subtypes have been investigated within the key plots (Grendasselva, Aldegonda rivers and catena on the sea terrace in surroundings of Barentsburg aerodrome). Several trends in profile distribution of electrical resistivity values have been distinguished. The main is connected with monotonous increasing of electrical resistivity values with a depth. Values of apparent electrical resistivity increase rapidly on the border of active layer-permafrost layer. The contrasts in profile distribution of electrical resistivity values are caused mainly by differences in water content, texture class and degree of strata heterogeneity (due to cryogenic processes). The depths of active layer-permafrost boundary have been distinguished using ZondIP software. Regional differences in this indicator may be explained not only by local differences in thermal regime of soil and permafrost layers, but also by different character of anthropogenic influence on key plots. Vertical electrical resistivity sounding method provides significant information for understanding soil electrical properties without any mechanical disturbances of soil cover. The data obtained is clearly coincided with field work data on soil morphology.

VERS; cryogenic soils; active layer; permafrost; Gronfjord

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