Reindeer herding and environmental change in the Oymyakon District, Sakha Republic



The aim of this study is to assess the influence of environmental change on reindeer herding in the Oymyakon District in the eastern part of the Sakha Republic. To investigate environmental change and its influence on reindeer herding, semi-structured interviews were conducted at two villages in the Oymyakon District, from February 24th to March 8th, 2013. As a result of the interview, meteorological, topographical, and ecological changes and their influence on general livelihood were evaluated by local residents to a greater or lesser degree. Part of the climatic changes felt by local residents was supported meteorological data set. Generally speaking, local reindeer herders and a manager of reindeer herding enterprise did not think these climatic, topographical and biological impacts were serious problems for reindeer herding. More serious problems, in their consideration, were social and economic difficulties. Judging from these results and the fluctuation of the number of domestic reindeer, even though meteorological variables are gradually changing, serious environmental changes have not generally been noted by local residents as yet. It can be concluded that the environmental changes do not appear to have exerted intense harmful influences on reindeer herding in Oymyakon District so far.

Semi-structured interview; local residents; climate change; Siberia; Russia

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