Sample database of the Centre for Polar Ecology - Database design and data management



The increasing number of observations and samples led to development of systems for data storage and management. In this paper, design and experience with data manage-ment of the Sample database (SampleDTB) used in the Centre for Polar Ecology, Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice, Czech Republic, is presented. The SampleDTB was designed for microbiological, phycological or hydro-biological data. The SampleDTB consists of data tables including defined lists of cli-matic zones, habitats, communities and taxons, specific queries for datasets determina-tion and searches, forms for filling in samples and reports. The data tables contain detailed information on site, its environment, types of habitats and communities, in-cluding data on taxonomic diversity. The queries provide source data for reports or serve for searches for specific taxon, sample etc. Forms are used primarily for data entry or modifications. The reports provide summaries and charts for export, either for whole data set or for specific datasets. Data management resulted in system of sample numbering, site specification, and system for photographs storage. Possible future development will be focused on on-line data access, biovolume and diversity indices calculation, laboratory sample processing, and connection to culture collection database.

database; species diversity; ecology

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