Deposits of pyroclastic mass flows at Bibby Hill (Pliocene, James Ross Island, Antarctica)



Sedimentological study of the southern slopes of Bibby Hill (relic of a Pliocene tuff cone) allows recognition of twelve lithofacies and three facies associations. Deposits of pyroclastic currents (both low- and high density pyroclastic currents) dominate over the deposits of pyroclastic flows. Products of suabaerial resedimented pyroclastic deposits play minor role. Vertical distribution of facies associations within the studied succession is not uniform. These differences in the distribution of facies associations are interpreted as response to variations in the intensity and type (Surtseyan, Taalian) of phreato-magmatic eruptions, water availability and morphology of the cone.

pyroclastic currents; pyroclastic flows; resedimented pyroclastic deposits

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