Strontium isotopic composition as tracer of weathering processes, a review with respect to James Ross Island, Antarctica



Strontium isotopes (87Sr/86Sr) are routinely used to determine sources and mixing relationships in geochemical studies. They have proven to be useful in determining weathering processes and quantifying end-member mixing processes. A number of studies highlight that Sr isotopes represent a powerful tool helping to constrain weathering reactions, weathering rates, flow pathways and mixing scenarios, even when inherent differences in weathering rates of different minerals, and mineral heterogeneity in natural environments may cause difficulties in defining the weathering component of different geochemical systems. Nevertheless, Sr isotopes are useful when combined with other chemical data, to constrain models of water–rock interaction and mixing as well as geochemical processes such as weathering. This paper presents basic information about Sr isotopic system, new analytical developments, summary of recent published studies in constraining the weathering processes, and indicates studies similar to weathering in polar regions. The aim of this paper is to present rationale of using Sr isotopes as tracer of weathering processes on James Ross Island, Antarctica.

Strontium; isotopes; chemical weathering; Antarctica

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