Seasonal glacier surface velocity fluctuation and contribution of the Eastern and Western Tributary Glaciers in Amery Ice Shelf, East Antarctica



Glaciers play a crucial role in the study of the climate change pattern of the Earth. Remote sensing with access to large archives of data has the ability to monitor glaciers frequently throughout the year. Therefore, remote sensing is the most beneficial tool for the study of glacier dynamics. Fed by many tributaries from different sides, the Amery Ice Shelf (AIS) is one of the largest ice shelves that drains ice from the Antarctic ice sheet into the Southern Ocean. This study focuses on the eastern and the western tributaries of the AIS. The primary objective of the study was to derive the velocity of the tributary glaciers and the secondary objective was to compare variations in their velocities between the summer and winter season. This study was carried on using the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Sentinel-1 satellite’s Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data acquired from the Sentinel data portal. Offset tracking method was applied to the Ground Range Detected (GRD) product of the Sentinel-1 interferometric wide (IW) swath acquisition mode. The maximum velocity in summer was observed to be around 610 m/yr in the eastern tributary glacier meeting the ice shelf near the Pickering Nunatak, and around 345 m/yr in the Charybdis Glacier Basin from the western side. The maximum velocity in the winter was observed to be 553 m/yr in the eastern side near the Pickering Nunatak whereas 323 m/yr from the western side in the Charybdis Glacier Basin. The accuracy of the derived glacier velocities was computed using bias and root mean square (RMS) error. For the analysis, the publicly available velocity datasets were used. The accuracy based on RMS error was observed to be 85-90% for both seasons with bias values up to 25 m/yr and root mean square error values up to 30 m/yr.

Antarctic; glacier velocity; offset tracking; synthetic aperture radar

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