Studia sportiva <h2> </h2> <h2>ARTICLE RETRACTION NOTICE </h2> <p><strong>Empowering Student Engagement and Academic Achievement in Physical Education Classes After COVID-19: Integration of Three Teaching Models </strong><em>(Yani et al.), </em>published in <strong>Vol. 18 No. 2, </strong>has been retracted, reason for the retraction: authorship issues</p> <p>______________________________________________________________________________________________________________<br /><br /></p> <p>- <strong>Since January 15th of 2024</strong>, the journal has <strong>Article Proceesing Fees</strong> (<strong>APC) set at the price of 50 EUR (+ VAT if applicable). </strong>The fees are paid after the submission is accepted for publication. Editorial team will contact you about the payment information. <strong>Starting 18.2.2025, </strong>employees and PhD. students of the Masaryk University don´t have to pay the APC fee.</p> <p>-<strong> Beginning with the volume 18, issue 1</strong>, the journal <strong>is published continuously</strong> (articles are published after its acceptance and technical processing). The journal will keep publishing two issues a year.</p> <div class="submission-buttons"><a class="btn btn-primary btn-s " href=""><span id="makeSubmission">Make a new submission</span></a></div> <h2 class="h3">JOURNAL INFORMATION:</h2> <p>Studia Sportiva is the research journal of the <strong><span style="font-weight: bold;">Faculty of Sports Studies, Masaryk University</span></strong>, published since 2007. The journal is included in the European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS), and<strong> <a href="">Scopus</a> database. </strong></p> <ul> <li>Journal <strong>presents the latest findings from research, development, and studies in Sports Sciences, based on Kinanthropology and its related disciplines. </strong>It is concerning <strong>basic and applied sciences in sport</strong>: exercise physiology; fitness and performance testing in sport; sports performance and analysis; the acute and chronic effects of sports nutrition and supplementation strategies on body composition; physical performance and metabolism; other biomedical aspects of sport and exercise and as well as in social aspects of physical education and sport (psychology, philosophy, sociology, sports pedagogy, etc.).</li> </ul> <ul> <li>Reflects <strong><span style="font-weight: bold;">current issues</span></strong> in the field and presents <strong><span style="font-weight: bold;">promising student activities</span></strong>.</li> </ul> <ul> <li>Publishes papers <strong><span style="font-weight: bold;">in English language</span></strong>. We accept papers written in the <strong><a href="">APA style</a> (Seventh Edition, 2019) </strong>only.</li> </ul> <ul> <li><a href=""><strong>Submissions</strong></a> <strong>can be send after logging/registering on this website (upper right corner)</strong></li> </ul> <ul> <li>The journal values the attention of both readers and authors.</li> </ul> <ul> <li>The <strong><span style="font-weight: bold;">ethic statements are based on</span> <a href="">COPE’s</a> </strong>Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.</li> <li>Is indexed in database <a href="">SCOPUS</a>, <a href="">ERIH Plus</a> and is a part of the<a href=""> index of reviewed and non-impacted journals published in the Czech Republic </a></li> </ul> <h2 class="h3">TEMPLATES:</h2> <p><a title="Title Page Template" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Title Page Template</a></p> <p><a title="Research Article Template" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Research Article Template</a></p> <p><a title="Template for Other Than Research Article" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Template for Other Than Research Article</a></p> <p> </p> Masarykova univerzita en-US Studia sportiva 2570-8783 <p><strong>Licensing</strong></p> <p>The journal accepts for publication only and exclusively original, nowhere else published submissions ("Ingelfinger rule"). Articles are published under the international version of the Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution-NonCommercial International license, which full text of licensing conditions is available at <a href=""></a> (further only "CC BY-NC 4.0"). 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The author is aware of the fact, that he/she is liable for the harm that may arise from a breach of the this obligation, including the costs related to eventual litigation and harm caused by damage to the reputation of the publisher.</p> <p><strong><u>Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms</u></strong><strong>:</strong></p> <ol> <li>The author declares that the Work is free of copyright or other legal defects, it was neither published anywhere else, nor simultaneously offered for publication, except the platforms of standard scientific pre-submission communications (e.g. SSRN, ResearchGate, Academia).</li> <li>The author declares that he/she is the real author or the joint author of the Work and his/her freedom to grant the license is not limited or excluded, and the author is entitled to dispose of the Work, because especially, but not limited to:</li> </ol> <ul> <li>the Work is not an Employee work where the employee would not be entitled to exercise the rights to the Work,</li> <li>using of the Work within the scope of the granted license is not limited by the conditions of provided grant or other financial support</li> <li>using of the Work within the scope of the granted license is not limited by the third parties’ rights (e.g. copyright, the right to the protection of personal data),</li> <li>the Work is not the work of joint authors, where the other joint authors would not agree to grant the license.</li> </ul> <ol start="3"> <li>In the case that the Work is the work of joint authors, the author declares that all the joint authors have been informed of these License Terms and that he/she is authorized to grant MUNI the license under these License Terms on behalf of the joint authors.</li> <li>The author agrees that if the Work is accepted for publication, the proposal to conclude a license agreement for the Work will be on his/her behalf aimed at an indefinite number of persons, while the content of the agreement will be determined by reference to the publicly available licence conditions <em>Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 International </em>(available from: <a href=""></a>); such proposal will not be done for the works or the elements (e.g. image or photographic documentation) used by the author in the Work under a contractual license with a third party.</li> <li>If any of the author’s statements prove to be untrue, the author is aware that he/she is liable for the resulting damage, including the costs associated with any litigation and damage caused by a violation of the Journal’s and/or MUNI’s reputation.</li> <li>Author agrees to pay publication fee of 50€ after the article is accepted for publication. Author will be contacted by the technical editor about the payment details.</li> <li>Author understands that starting in 2024, the journal is published continuously, meaning that article is published in one of the journal´s issues as soon as the article is accepted and ready for publication.</li> </ol> <p><strong>License Grant</strong></p> <ol> <li>The author grants MUNI gratuitous non-exclusive license to use the Work in all the known manners of use (especially, but not limited to, reproduction, distribution and communication to public), individually, in the collection or together with any other works or elements unlimited as regards to amount and form and media of expression (including electronic).</li> <li>The license is granted as territorially and quantitatively unlimited.</li> <li>The license is granted royalty-free.</li> <li>The license is granted for the duration of economic rights to the Work.</li> <li>MUNI shall be entitled to grant an authorisation forming part of the licence to the third party or parties, in whole or in part under a sublicense agreement, with or without remuneration.</li> <li>By granting the license, the author agrees with including the Work into the scientific and bibliographical databases (eg. 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For the purpose of such further use of the Work, the author shall be obliged to state the Journal as the source of publication of the Work.</li> <li>In the case of disclosure of the Work on the platforms of standard scientific pre-submission communications within the meaning of Art. 1.1, the author shall be obliged to additionally state the Journal as the source of publication of the Work, without undue delay.</li> <li>The reputation of MUNI and/or Journal shall not be negatively affected by the further use of the Work.</li> </ol> <p><strong>Other</strong></p> <ol> <li>Legal relations based on the license shall be governed by the laws of the Czech Republic; any disputes arising out of the license shall be settled by the courts of the Czech Republic.</li> <li>If the Work is rejected for publication in the Journal, the license shall be, at the moment of the decision of rejection, restricted in such a way that it shall cover use of Work only in the necessary extent within related editorial activities (e.g. review and archiving).</li> </ol> <p><strong>Subscription fee</strong></p> <p> Journal doesn´t fall under any paid subscription.</p> <p><strong>Publication fee</strong></p> <p>From January 15th of 2024, the journal will have Article Proceesing Fees (APC) set at the price of 50 EUR. The fees will be paid after the submission is accepted for publication. Fees are applicaple for submissions send after this date. You will be contacted with payment information after the review process is finalized. </p> <h3>Privacy Statement</h3> <p>See our privacy statement <a href="">HERE</a>.</p> The Effect of Parkour Concept on Functional Mobility in Older Adults <p><strong>Introduction: </strong>One of the limiting factors in the quality of life of seniors is the increased risk of falls. According to the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH), falls occur naturally most often in daily activities. Many types of physical activity have already been tested in relation to fall prevention. We come up with a new type of exercise, modified parkour for older adults. <strong>Objective:</strong> The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of the Parkour concept on functional mobility in older adults. <strong>Patients and Methods: </strong>Twenty older adults without cognitive or neurological deficits (&gt; 26 points in the MoCa test) completed a 10-week exercise program. The program included the practice of overcoming obstacles of various shapes and sizes and the practice of fall techniques under the guidance of an instructor. The level of functional mobility was evaluated using the Timed Up and Go test (TUG 1), the Timed Up and Go test Cognitive, and the Timed Up and Go test manual (TUG 3) and functional reach test (Reach) before and after completing the exercise program. <strong>Results: </strong>Although participants in the parkour intervention program showed good results in the reach test before starting it, they were able to improve significantly. The effect of the parkour concept is not statistically significant for the functional mobility measured by the TUG tests. The difference is small by Cohen’s effect size (d = 0.22 and d=0.26). There was a slight improvement in the functional mobility test without another task (TUG1) and the modified test with another movement task (TUG3). There was no significant change in the modified cognitive test (TUG2). <strong>Conclusion: </strong>Modified parkour is a new activity that requires more scientific research. For this age group, we consider a positive improvement in any part of physical fitness.</p> Lenka Svobodová Antonin Tomas Martin Sebera Copyright © 2025 Lenka Svobodová, Antonin Tomas, Martin Sebera 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 19 1 10.5817/StS2025-1-5 Effect of Different Strength Training Modalities on Maximal Strength and Power in Semi-Professional Football Players <p>The study provides an innovative perspective on comparing two training modalities of strength training to evaluate the effectiveness in enhancing maximal strength and power of lower limb strength. Our study aimed to examine the effects of eccentric and concentric strength training on the development of maximal lower-limb strength and power in semi-professional football players. The study involved 28 players (age 21.7 ± 2.1 years, body height 180.1 ± 4.6 cm, body weight 75.9 ± 7.2 kg) divided into eccentric (ECC), concentric (CON), and control (CONTR) groups. The eight-week training intervention targeted the knee extensors and flexors. Knee flexor strength was developed using the lying leg curl machine, and knee extensor strength using the seated leg extension machine. The concentric group trained with the maximal effort method, while the eccentric group applied the 2/1 eccentric method. The results showed significant improvements in maximal strength of the extensors (CON +19.4%, p &lt; 0.001, d = 1; ECC +19.42%, p &lt; 0.001, d = 0.89) and improvements, but not significant (p = 0.11, η<sub>p</sub><sup>2</sup> = 0.16), of the flexors (CON +12.81%, ECC +12.14%) of the knee joint. No significant improvement in power (p = 0.11, η<sub>p</sub><sup>2</sup> = 0.16) was observed, measured by standing broad jump performance. These findings highlight the specificity of training adaptations, where improvements in maximal strength may not directly translate into enhanced power. The study emphasizes the importance of both training modalities due to their sport-specific benefits for football, such as acceleration, changing direction, positive effects on muscle architecture, and injury prevention.</p> Ivan Serafin Tomáš Vencúrik Dominik Bokůvka Jiří Nykodým Štěpán Koukal Copyright © 2025 Ivan Serafin, Tomáš Vencúrik, Dominik Bokůvka, Jiří Nykodým, Štěpán Koukal 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 19 1 10.5817/StS2025-1-3 Grit and Competence among Swimming Coaches in the Philippines <p>The concept of grit has been understudied in the local literature in the Philippines compared to other international nations. Furthermore, studies that focused on grit to swimming coaches has not yet been documented.&nbsp;In this regard, this research probes the dynamic relationship between grit and competence among swimming coaches (n=207) of Central Luzon Philippines, aiming to analyze the impact of these key factors on coaching effectiveness and athlete development. The study employs a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews, to gather data from a diverse sample of experienced swimming coaches in the Region. Quantitative measures will assess coaches' levels of grit through the Grit Scale and self-perceived competence through the Coaching Competency Scale, while qualitative insights will provide a deeper understanding of the challenges faced and strategies employed in the demanding field of swimming coaching. As hypothesized, results from this research revealed that Grit influences Coaching Competency (F(3, 203) = 20.251, p &lt;.001). However, Ambition did not register a significant relationship to Coaching Competency (β = .141, t = .889, p = .375). Coaches are very willing and highly enthusiastic in sharing the knowledge and skills to their swimmers towards improving their athletic abilities. Amidst adversities, coaches defined their resiliency in developing strategies to cope. Central Luzon coaches share their vision to their athletes towards achieving their goals through motivational strategies towards productive transformation. Lastly, coaches share the importance of serving as a role model towards improving motivation, game strategies, technique and character building of swimmers. Results of the study may be used to formulate programs for further enhancements on coaches’ grit and competencies. It is recommended to conduct parallel researches to other regions in the Philippines and other nations.</p> Rafael Celso Copyright © 2025 Rafael Celso 2025-02-05 2025-02-05 19 1 10.5817/StS2025-1-1 The Dualistic Model of Passion Mediates between Coach-Athlete Relationship and Motivation among Collegiate Athletes <p>Despite extensive research in coach-athlete relationship and motivation in sports, there is a notable gap in the literature on the interaction of passion in the relationship between these two key components in sports context. This study aimed to examine the mediating role of passion in sports between coach and athletes’ relationship and motivation among collegiate athletes. A sample of 408 student athletes comprised of 60.5 % male (n=246) and 39.5% female (n= 161) completed a packet of questionnaires on coach-athlete relationship (commitment, closeness, and complementarity), passion (harmonious and obsessive), and athletes' sports motivation (intrinsic and extrinsic). The IBM SPSS 20.0 PROCESS analysis revealed that harmonious and obsessive passion partially mediated the coach-athlete relationship dimensions (commitment, closeness, &amp; complementarity) and both extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Results imply that student-athletes who cultivate a positive relationship with their coaches exhibit a greater level of passion in sports, which in turn enhances their athletic motivation. The findings provide empirical evidence on the significance of sports passion have foster a strong connection between athletes and coaches, as well as its impact on athletes' motivation in sports setting. </p> Jet Longakit Deljun Rodriguez Gian Carlo Wasquin Ritchel Valencia Copyright © 2025 Jet Longakit, Prof Deljun Rodriguez, Gian Carlo Wasquin, Ritchel Valencia 2025-02-05 2025-02-05 19 1 10.5817/StS2025-1-2 The Transformation of the Sokol Sports Complex in Brno <p>This article examines the historical evolution and transformation of the <em>Sokol's</em> multi-functional sports complex at the <em>Brno Reservoir</em>. Originally conceived in the 1930s by the <em>Sokol Brno I</em> unit, the complex was envisioned as a comprehensive sports and recreational facility that would advance the physical education ideals of the <em>Sokol</em> movement. Over time, the complex experienced significant changes driven by political, social, and economic forces, including periods of neglect and revival. Today, it remains operational, offering a diverse range of sports and recreational activities, however very different from the original intentions, while preserving its legacy as a cultural and social landmark in the Brno region.</p> <p>The aim of this study is to analyze the historical development of the complex, assess key political, social, and economic influences on its transformation, and evaluate its contemporary role in Czech physical education and sports traditions.</p> <p>The study draws on a thorough historical analysis of primary sources, including archival documents, meeting records, and contemporary periodicals, supplemented by secondary literature on <em>Sokol's</em> history. Methodologically, the study employs chronological reconstruction, qualitative analysis of socio-political influences on the development of the complex, and comparative analysis to identify patterns and discrepancies in the historical record. The findings reveal that the complex functioned not only as a recreational hub but also as a symbol of resilience and community spirit, especially during periods of adversity under Nazi occupation and the Communist regime.</p> <p>The article concludes by examining the post-1989 restoration of the complex, emphasizing its ongoing role in preserving Czech cultural and physical education traditions.</p> Milena Strachová Zdeněk Vostrý Copyright © 2025 Milena Strachová, Zdeněk Vostrý 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 19 1 10.5817/StS2025-1-4