Studia sportiva
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<h2> </h2> <p>- <strong>From January 15th of 2024</strong>, the journal have <strong>Article Proceesing Fees</strong> (<strong>APC) set at the price of 50 EUR (+ VAT if applicable). </strong>The fees will be paid after the submission is accepted for publication, editorial team will contact you about the payment information. Employees and students of the Faculty of Sports Studies can contact us for further information. </p> <p>-<strong> Beginning with the volume 18, issue 1</strong>, the journal <strong>will be published continuously</strong> (articles will be published after its acceptance and technical processing). The journal will keep publishing two issues a year.</p> <div class="submission-buttons"><a class="btn btn-primary btn-s " href=""><span id="makeSubmission">Make a new submission</span></a></div> <h2 class="h3">JOURNAL INFORMATION:</h2> <p>Studia Sportiva is the research journal of the <strong><span style="font-weight: bold;">Faculty of Sports Studies, Masaryk University</span></strong>, published since 2007. The journal is included in the European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS), and<strong> <a href="">Scopus</a> database. </strong></p> <ul> <li>Journal <strong>presents the latest findings from research, development, and studies in Sports Sciences, based on Kinanthropology and its related disciplines. </strong>It is concerning <strong>basic and applied sciences in sport</strong>: exercise physiology; fitness and performance testing in sport; sports performance and analysis; the acute and chronic effects of sports nutrition and supplementation strategies on body composition; physical performance and metabolism; other biomedical aspects of sport and exercise and as well as in social aspects of physical education and sport (psychology, philosophy, sociology, sports pedagogy, etc.).</li> </ul> <ul> <li>Reflects <strong><span style="font-weight: bold;">current issues</span></strong> in the field and presents <strong><span style="font-weight: bold;">promising student activities</span></strong>.</li> </ul> <ul> <li>Publishes papers <strong><span style="font-weight: bold;">in English language</span></strong>. We accept papers written in the <strong><a href="">APA style</a> (Seventh Edition, 2019) </strong>only.</li> </ul> <ul> <li><a href=""><strong>Submissions</strong></a> <strong>can be send after logging/registering on this website (upper right corner)</strong></li> </ul> <ul> <li>The journal values the attention of both readers and authors.</li> </ul> <ul> <li>The <strong><span style="font-weight: bold;">ethic statements are based on</span> <a href="">COPE’s</a> </strong>Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.</li> <li>Is indexed in database <a href="">SCOPUS</a>, <a href="">ERIH Plus</a> and is a part of the<a href=""> index of reviewed and non-impacted journals published in the Czech Republic </a></li> </ul> <h2 class="h3">TEMPLATES:</h2> <p><a title="Title Page Template" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Title Page Template</a></p> <p><a title="Research Article Template" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Research Article Template</a></p> <p><a title="Template for Other Than Research Article" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Template for Other Than Research Article</a></p> <p> </p>
The Significance of U23 Competitions in Wrestling Career
Mykola Latyshev
Inna Holovach
Olena Polianychko
Yrui Tropin
Dmytro Shtanagei
Olena Lakhtadyr
<p><em>Background.</em> Designing the training of athletes should be based on specific goals and objectives at each stage of the long-term development. Each age stage in the development of an elite athlete has its own significance. The U23 competitions are organized to facilitate a smoother and more effective transition of wrestlers from junior to senior levels. <em>The aim of the study</em> is to determine the significance of performances in the U23 competitions for the subsequent development process of wrestlers. <em>Materials and Methods.</em> The following research methods have been used in the paper: the analysis of the scientific and methodological literature, the analysis of the official results, and methods of mathematical statistics. We have studied the sports careers of participants in the 2017, 2018, and 2019 World Championships in freestyle, Greco-Roman, and women's wrestling. A total of 1277 wrestlers’ sporting biographies have been analyzed. <em>Results.</em> The majority of participants (73.7 %) in the U23 age category competitions previously competed at the junior level. Moreover, more than half of the athletes (58.4 %) had prior experience of participating in cadet competitions. It is worth noting that 63.7 % of all wrestlers participated in senior-level competitions, and 31.5 % of them achieved podium finishes. Among women, a higher percentage of athletes continue their careers (46.3 %) and achieve success (20.1 %) on the international stage after the U23 competitions. For male freestyle wrestlers, the figures are lower, with only 38.2 % continuing their careers. <em>Conclusion.</em> The analysis demonstrated that the U23 competitions, which serve as a continuation of the cadet and junior age groups, are part of the overall sequence of competitions in the development of wrestlers at the international level. However, the importance of the U23 competitions varies depending on the level of athletes, and they serve both as preparatory and main competitions within the athletes' training system. </p>
Copyright © 2024 Mykola Latyshev, Inna Holovach, Olena Polianychko, Yrui Tropin, Dmytro Shtanagei, Olena Lakhtadyr
The Experience of Menstruation During Sports Activity in Taekwondo
Katarina Mihaljević
Olivera Petrak
Dalibor Kiseljak
<p>Intense sports training increases the frequency of menstrual cycle disorders. The aim of this study was to examine female taekwondo athletes (N = 33), active competitors, about their experience of menstruation, their physical ability to train and compete, as well as their mental ability. Another objective was to determine the connection between the frequent reduction in body weight before the competition and the occurrence of various menstrual disorders. The negative effects of menstruation that most affect the physical fitness of the participants are the physical symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and severe menstrual cramps, while the emotional symptoms of premenstrual syndrome most affect their mental preparation. Menstruation did not show a limiting effect on achieving sports success and participation in sports activities at full intensity. The participants predominantly do not miss training or competition due to menstruation. The highest level of limitation was manifested in sparring activities and explosiveness training. Even 87.8% of female athletes have the experience of intentional weight loss before the competition (from which 24.2% always), and 51.5% declare that constant change in body weight before competition affects the menstrual regularity. It is important to respect the individual characteristics of female athletes during menstruation and to encourage them to take care of the relationship between menstruation and sports activities. Training programs should include plans for determining body weight and long-term body composition.</p>
Copyright © 2024 Katarina Mihaljević, Olivera Petrak, Dalibor Kiseljak
Vertical Ground Reaction Force-Time Curve Differences Between the Two Landings of a Drop Vertical Jump. Implication For ACL Injury Risk
Nino Vidulin
Roberto Ćaćan
Stanisla Peharec
<p>Vertical drop jump consists two landings of which the first one is the most frequently analysed one. Aim of this paper was to compare kinetic patterns between first and second landings and dominant and non-dominant leg between landings by analysing force-time curves and their variability across landings. 44 top level female handball players (N = 25) and volleyball players (N = 19) of average age 24 ± 4 y, height 181.1 ± 7.8 cm and weight 72.4 ± 8.0 kg agreed to participate in this study. Each subject completed 4 successful drop jumps from an initial height of 30 cm on two parallel ground reaction force platforms. Force-time curve analysis revealed significant differences (p < .05) in certain parts of the cycle between the two landings for each leg. Moreover, significant differences (p < .05) were found between dominant and non-dominant leg solely in the second landing. Second landings were shown to be significantly more variable (p < .001) than the first ones. Results of the current study confirm previous findings of different neuromuscular pathways used in two landings thus indicating a possible increased risk of ACL injury which highlights the importance of second landing analysis in drop vertical jump.</p>
Copyright © 2024 Nino Vidulin, Roberto Ćaćan, Stanislav Peharec
The Effect of Controlled Movement Imaginary on Performance in a Modified 7-Metre Shot Test of Elite Female Handball Players
Daniela Benešová
Petra Drozdová
<p>Movement imagery may have a favourable influence on subsequent movement performance. As a result of creating a multi-modal movement image in the mind, there are activated specific brain centres that are identical for both movement planning and actual movement action. The objective of our experiment was to find out whether a single ideomotor intervention can influence the accurate execution of a known movement skill. The research sample consisted of adult female handball players who participate in the highest Czech handball competition. We tested the movement skill in a modified 7-metre shot/throw test developed by us. The research sample was randomly divided into the experimental group and the control group. The testing involved a pretest and a posttest. It was repeated two times over the period of 2 months. The players assigned to the experimental group had significantly better performance in the posttest of both measurements in the modified test.</p>
Copyright © 2024 Daniela Benešová, Petra Drozdová
Relationship Between Personality Profile and Physical Condition in the CELSPAC-FIREexpo Study of Newly-Recruited Firefighters in Training
Aleš Pindur
Petr Vajda
Katarína Řiháčková
Jiří Kalina
Monika Kuncová
Zdenko Reguli
Pavel Čupr
<p><strong>Introduction:</strong> The present study aimed to investigate the association between the five-factor personality model (FFM), physical fitness, and physical activity (PA), and the effect of firefighting skills training on physical condition in firefighter recruits. </p> <p><strong>Methods:</strong> Data on 58 newly-recruited firefighters from the CELSPAC–FIREexpo human biomonitoring study were used. The sampling protocol was structured in the entry phase testing on the 5th week of training, and final testing on the 10th week of training. During the testing, participants filled out the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and the Revised NEO Personality Inventory, and underwent analysis of body composition using Dual energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA), a physical work capacity test (PWC 170), a muscular strength test (one repetition maximum bench press (1RM BP) and squat (1RM S)) and the measurement of body weight and height to calculate body mass index (BMI). Associations between study parameters were determined using the Spearman correlation. </p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> Extraversion (E) was positively associated with time spent in vigorous physical activity (VPA) and Openness to Experience (O) was negatively associated with time spent sitting. Openness to Experience was also positively associated with BMI and lean mass differences between entry and output measurements. Furthermore, 1 RM S significantly increased during the training program. </p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The observed association between personality from FFM and PA levels in the present study was lower than in the general population reported by other studies. The positive association between E and VPA suggests that using FFM and the relationship between personality and physical fitness as one of the criteria for the selection of suitable recruits may be beneficial. </p>
Copyright © 2024 Aleš Pindur, Petr Vajda, Katarína Řiháčková, Jiří Kalina, Monika Kuncová, Zdenko Reguli, Pavel Čupr
Acute Effects of Listening to Music and Watching Nature Videos on the Psychophysiological Responses and Time to Exhaustion During Moderate-Intensity Indoor Cycling
Poosanapas Somnil
Wanitcha Rachadech
Winai Meesang
<div><span lang="EN-GB">The aural and visual environment in which people exercise is described as being significant to their affective responses to exercise and possibly their degree of adherence. Research investigating the use of music and video during moderate-intensity exercise is needed because they are inexpensive, simple to adopt, and can reflect activity adherence and reduce dropout rates. This study examined the acute effects on psychophysiological variables and the time for exhaustion on a cycle ergometer during a moderate-intensity workout of listening to music, watching nature videos, or doing both. Thirty physically active young male adults (19.46 ± 0.87 years, 62.94 ± 11.86 kg; 169.23 ± 7.21 cm; 21.9 ± 3.14 kg/m2) exercised moderately to exhaustion or until 20 minutes in four different conditions: three experimental conditions (music only, video only, and music and video) and one control condition (no music and visually sterile). The results showed that the mean and standard deviation of changes in time to exhaustion and RPE during the second and fourth minutes of exercise differed. Finally, the major purpose of this study was to investigate how people responded to different audiovisual stimuli while exercising on a bike ergometer. The stimuli consisted of music, video, and music-video. These findings are still being debated in the research and may be attributable to the type of exercise, intensity of the exercise, and preference for audiovisual support. As a result, understanding the customer's and/or athlete's choice for these aspects is critical for achieving better results during training sessions, particularly in the moderate-intensity domain.</span></div>
Copyright © 2024 Poosanapas Somnil, Wanitcha Rachadech, Winai Meesang
Asymmetries in Field Hockey Players: A Narrative Review
Jisha Abraham Punnavilaputhenveedu
Vinod Kumar G
<p>Field hockey is one of the most popular sport in the world, characterized by its asymmetric and unilateral nature because players are required to adopt a semi-crouched position, contributing inherently to an inbuilt asymmetry. This narrative review discusses the current understanding and existing knowledge of the asymmetries in field hockey players and suggests future recommendations to reduce the asymmetries. The relevant studies were identified by searching three databases (Scopus, Google Scholar, and PubMed) Results indicate that field hockey is an asymmetric sport dominated by one side of the body and distinguished by highly strict rules and regulations. The game increases morpho-functional asymmetries and produces side-to-side diversification, asymmetrical training patterns and movements in field hockey lead to muscular and postural adaptation asymmetries in players. In light of these findings, future research should focus on constructing a specific exercise training program to reduce asymmetries, optimise athletic performance, and minimize injuries in field hockey players.</p>
Copyright © 2024 Jisha Abraham Punnavilaputhenveedu, Vinod Kumar G
Lower Limbs Power and Bioelectrical Impedance Phase Angle in Young Non-Athletes
Erna Davidović Cvetko
Dražen Pejić
Ivana Lovrić
<p>Relationship of bioelectrical properties of human body and vertical jump performance is still unexplored, especially in non-athletic population. The aim of this study is to evaluate association of bioelectrical impedance results with mean force and power of the lower limbs in non-athletic young adults, and to evaluate differences between sexes in both bioelectrical impedance results and vertical jump performance. The cross-sectional study included 75 healthy non-athletic college students (40 women and 35 men aged 19-24 years). Whole-body bioelectrical impedance analysis was performed for phase angle and body composition. Force and power of lower limbs were assessed by vertical jump test. There is difference between sexes in both body composition and vertical jump performance. Along to higher content of muscles (47.5% vs 40.5%) and lower content of fat in the body (19.25% vs 28.19%), men also had higher mean force (3691.75 N vs 2351.44 N) and explosive power of the lower limbs (5627.19 W vs 2752.21 W) compared to women. Leg force and power are in correlation with body composition and with phase angle obtained by bioelectrical impedance analysis. Difference between sexes in force and power of the legs persists even after adjustment for body composition.</p>
Copyright © 2024 Erna Davidović Cvetko, Dražen Pejić, Ivana Lovrić
Uncovering Determinants of Victory and Defeat in Men's UEFA Champions League: An Analytical Exploration Using Logistic Regression
Karuppasamy Govindasamy
Debajit Karmakar
Sohom Saha
Masilamani Elayaraja
Anindita Das
Arnav Sharma
Poli Borah
Lakshyajit Gogoi
Hemantajit Gogoi
<p>This study aimed to explore the factors influencing outcomes in men's UEFA Championship matches. The sample comprised 201 UEFA Championship games, and the primary objective was to identify key components significantly associated with success in the UEFA Champions League through logistic regression analysis. The game outcome was treated as the dependent variable in a Binary Logistic Regression (Forward: LR Method). Logistic regression, a statistical technique assessing the relationship between variables, employed predictor variables as covariates, with calculations of β, standard error β, and Wald’s χ2. Model evaluation involved the likelihood ratio test, Cox & Snell (R2), and Nagelkerke (R2) tests, while the fit of the models to the data was assessed using the Hosmer & Lemeshow test. The analysis revealed six variables linked to winning matches. The study highlights a significant correlation between crucial variables and success in UEFA Champions League matches. Players and coaches can gain valuable insights into essential elements contributing to victory in this prestigious championship.</p>
Copyright © 2024 Karuppasamy Govindasamy, Debajit Karmakar, Sohom Saha, Masilamani Elayaraja, Anindita Das, Arnav Sharma, Poli Borah, Lakshyajit Gogoi, Hemantajit Gogoi
The Effect of Individual Telerehabilitation on Postural Stability in People With Multiple Sclerosis, A Pilot Study
Barbora Grosserova
Markéta Janatová
Dana Horáková
Klára Novotná
<p><strong>Background:</strong> The aim of our pilot study was to assess the feasibility and effectiveness of individual balance telerehabilitation for people with multiple sclerosis (MS).</p> <p><strong>Methods:</strong> In this pilot study 20 individuals with MS with balance impairment were included (10 in experimental, 10 in control group). The experimental group underwent 12 weeks of individual telerehabilitation (with direct synchronous contact between the physiotherapist and the patient). The control group received conventional outpatient physiotherapy. The standardized tests of balance and functional mobility were assessed at baseline and after intervention.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> Comparing the two groups, the experimental group achieved statistically significant improvement in balance: the BBS test (p=0.002), TUG (p=0.048), functional test standing on one limb (p=0.01), and subjectively perceived balance with the ABC Scale questionnaire (p=0.041). The substantive significance (Cohen's d) when comparing the two groups reached a large effect size in the BBS (d=0.83) and standing on one limb (d=1.06) and in the MSWS-12 (d=0.78) and ABC Scale questionnaire (d=0.78).</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Telerehabilitation interventions represent an increasing trend and our data suggest that individually delivered online telerehabilitation can be effective in the treatment of balance and functional mobility disorders in MS.</p>
Copyright © 2024 Barbora Grosserova, Markéta Janatová, Dana Horáková, Klára Novotná
Forecasting Stadium Attendance Using Machine Learning Models: A Case of the National Football League
Yu Pang
Fengchen Wang
<p>The study examines the use of machine learning models to forecast attendance at sports stadiums, specifically analyzing National Football League<strong> (</strong>NFL) games from 2000 to 2019, with over 5,055 regular-season games. The models, including Linear Regression, Classification and Regression Trees (CART), Random Forest, CatBoost, and XGBoost, integrate a diverse set of variables such as team performance, economic indicators, stadium characteristics, and weather conditions. Each model's accuracy and effectiveness are assessed using five statistical metrics. With a Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of 0.02 and a Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) of 0.04, the models display high precision in predicting stadium attendance. The coefficient of determination (R²) reaches 77.27% after optimization. These figures suggest that the models, particularly Random Forest and CatBoost, are highly effective in forecasting attendance rates for NFL games. Key influences on game attendance include factors like 'stadium_name,' 'personal_income,' 'stadium_age,' and 'home_club_age', which emerge as significant predictors. This study fills a theoretical gap in the limited research on the NFL and provides valuable insights for strategic planning and decision-making in professional sports management.</p>
Copyright © 2024 Yu Pang, Fengchen Wang
The Role of Personality in Athletes’ Professionalism
Yasin Unvanli
Ekrem Levent ILHAN
Petr Vajda
Ebru Olcay Karabulut
<p>This study investigates the complex interplay among personality types and professionalism in the realm of sports. The objective is to explore the relationship between personality traits, sex, age, experience in national teams, the sport they engage in, their accomplishments, duration of their sports careers, and levels of professionalism in athletes. The study involves 761 active sports participants, aged 18 to 38, selected through the snowball sampling technique. Data collection relies on the Ten-Item Personality Inventory (TIPI) to evaluate personality types and the Professionalism Scale for Athletes (PSA) to measure professionalism levels. Results reveal no significant sex-based differences in personality types or professionalism levels, although females exhibit advantages in specific personality sub-dimensions. Athletes with national team experience and those engaged in individual sports demonstrate heightened professionalism, emphasizing unique opportunities and personal responsibility. Those with international and regional achievements, older athletes, and those with prolonged sports engagement display elevated professionalism levels. The correlation between personality dimensions (openness to experience, agreeableness, and extraversion) and professionalism underscores the multifaceted nature of professional behavior. In conclusion, the study provides comprehensive insights into the relationships shaping athletes’ professionalism, emphasizing the need for continued exploration to uncover additional contributing factors.</p>
Copyright © 2024 Yasin Unvanli, Ekrem Levent ILHAN, Petr Vajda, Ebru Olcay Karabulut
Exploring Instagram Communication: Usage of Instagram as a Marketing Tool in Professional Basketball Clubs
Daniel Opelík
Josef Voráček
Jan Šíma
Andrea Michlová
<p>The study focuses on the marketing communication of basketball clubs on the Instagram social network. The aim of this study is to evaluate the Instagram marketing communication strategies and activities used by professional basketball clubs on the Instagram social network and to provide actionable insights for enhancing fan engagement and reach. This study, which uses a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods to reveal specific deficiencies in selected professional basketball clubs in the Czech Republic, may also prove inspirational to sports organisations. In the first phase, a quantitative method is used in the form of an analysis of the Instagram accounts of four selected basketball clubs. This is followed by a qualitative method that is conducted using a focus group of basketball fans. The list of shortcomings in marketing communication is supplemented by specific recommendations for improving the communication of sports organisations on this social network. Any recommendations made could then not only help these basketball clubs but also other sports organisations. The analyses conducted show that basketball clubs operating in the same NBL competition are not on the same level within the Instagram social network. As may be observed, there is a need to reflect trends and recommendations, especially when designing and planning the publication of posts. Working with Instagram Stories as an integral part of the sports club’s information channel for fans also seems to be key.</p>
Copyright © 2024 Daniel Opelík, Josef Voráček, Jan Šíma, Andrea Michlová