Questionnaire Method In The Diagnosis Of Fatigue Of 14 And 16 Years Old Sports Gymnasts



Many top athletes are still at risk or working with total fatigue. Therefore, sports science seeks to develop
an objective, sensitive and reliable method of early diagnosis of this fatigue. The aim of our study was
to analyse and compare the results of the standard psychological questionnaire and two own questionnaires,
thus contributing to the development of methods of early diagnosis of the overall fatigue of adolescent top athletes. In a group of seven gymnasts aged 14 and 16 we applied a standard questionnaire (SUPSO) and
our two own questionnaires, one short-term fatigue and one long-term fatigue survey. The SUPSO questionnaire, and our short-term fatigue survey, also produced one confirmed and one unresolved suggestion of overtraining. Closer signs of overload by two gymnasts have provided our questionnaire with long-term fatigue. This suspicion of overtraining was highlighted by a combination of both our questionnaires. In two gymnasts with suspected overload, we examined this diagnosis by the neurophysiological method of spectral analysis of heart rate variability (VSF). The diagnosis of overtraining was confirmed in one. We believe that the combination of our two modified questionnaires could be beneficial. The development of this subjective diagnostic method in high level sporting children as well as the use of an objective diagnostic method of VSF analysis requires further research.

gymnastics; fatigue; children; overtraining syndrome; overreaching; questionnaires; heart rate variability

Author biography

Martina Bernaciková

Katedra kineziologie, Fakulta sportovních studií, MU Brno

Katedra kineziologie, FSpS MU Brno, odborný asistent

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