The Role Of Parent-Initiated Motivational Climate In The Development Of Overtraining Syndrome In Adolescent Elite Athletes: A Review Study



Parents are not only gatekeepers to sport, they have a significant influence on how a young athlete perceives and interprets the sport experience. Their influence is mediated through the parent-initiated motivational climate and is not limited to the sport environment, but also to non-sport environment. The quality of parent-child relationships is considered to be a predictor of motivation and a level of perceived stress and enjoyment of activities in young athlete. It is supposed that overtraining is multifactorial in nature and that non-sport stress may be a contributing factor. The main purpose of this study is to review empirical research examining the parent-initiated motivational climate in the context of youth elite sport and its potential influence on young elite athletes. Moreover, the study provides theoretical background of the parent-initiated motivational climate in the context of sport participation. This study reviewed empirical research works of quantitative and qualitative research design. From all searched works from 1992 to 2016, fourteen studies fulfilled set requirements. Two qualitative studies focusing on the parent-initiated motivational climate and its relation to overtraining were discovered. These studies supported the assumption that non-sport stress contributed in the development of overtraining. Even though no research studies with quantitative research design examining this relationship were revealed, they supported the relationship between parent-initiated motivational climate and psychological outcomes associated with sport participation, such as maladaptive behavioural patterns, that are considered to be risks factors to overtraining.

parent; motivational climate; overtraining; youth sport; sport participation; performance

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