Accessibility of Physical Education for Students with Special Needs at Masaryk University



As of January 31, 2013, there were 450 special needs students studying at Masaryk University. This is the largest number of students with special needs among all Czech universities. These are students with visual, hearing or mobility impairment or other disabilities. As well as others, these students have the right (though the use of the word in this context is disputable) to fully participate in all activities pertaining to their studies, which include Physical Education and sports activities. These rights are not only contained in the general legislature, but they are also embedded in Masaryk University’s internal documents (e. g. Rector’s Directive on the Studies of Persons with Special Needs – Rector’s Directive No. 04/03). A substantial part of the task connected with fulfilling these rights (and therefore ensuring accessibility of studies) is provided by Teiresias – the Support Centre for Students with Special Needs at Masaryk University. In the area of Physical Education and sport, this involves providing the conditions for accessibility of standard Physical Education and sports activities and creating alternative solutions if the former proves unsuitable for any reason (technical, methodological etc.). On the average, 37 special needs students per semester have been participating in sports activities (standard or alternative) in recent years; with some of them taking more than one Physical Education course in a semester. Providing accessibility encompasses a number of obstacles; there are personnel issues, issues of material and equipment, accessibility of university buildings or suitable didactic and study materials. Occasionally the intervention into the motivation of special needs students is necessary. The activities of Teiresias are based on internal cooperation with the University Sports Centre of the Faculty of Sports, Masaryk University, and external cooperation with both governmental and non-governmental institutions.

Masaryk University; students with special needs; Support Centre for Students with Special Needs – Teiresias; providing accessibility of sports activities and Physical Education; standard and alternative range of physical education and sports activities


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