Roots and the Present of Sports Chaplaincy


The main objective of this article is to introduce the phenomena of chaplaincy to the Czech sports context. Chaplaincy has helped shape the character of athletes and aided them in resolving their personal problems for several decades, especially in the Anglo-Saxon world. Another intention is to illustrate the importance of the comprehensive development of athletes, including the spiritual component. The authors first conduct a broad examination of the profession of chaplaincy from areas which have already been established in the Czech Republic – the hospital, military and university environments. Then within the realm of sports chaplaincy analysis is carried out on the experience from the Anglo-Saxon world of sports, where the specific profession is the most developed and has the longest tradition. In the conclusion, two core sport chaplaincy models are illustrated with emphasis on the applicability of international experience to the Czech sport context.

chaplaincy; sports chaplain; sport and spirituality


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